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Grandpa Meieranz grows vibrant gladiolas, fragrant sweet peas and the sweetest of raspberries in his little garden plot in Karl Marx Street. His grandchildren love him for his generosity, especially when he fills up the large white enamel bowl with freshly baked sugar pretzels. Anything about Israel on the black-and-white TV set makes Grandpa cry. He was in the war like so many – a German Wehrmacht soldier on the long, ever shifting Eastern Front. Regarding the origins of his unusual last name, Opa insists there is “nothing to tell there.”
His grandchildren grow up in the gray confinement of everyday East German life, trying to imagine the fascinating pictures of Dad’s Jerusalem bookmark that seem to be light years away from the GDR.
Then the Wall collapses, revealing a wide world to explore. Life is moderately exciting, until one day, six years after Grandpa’s death, a phone call changes everything. Two sisters of the “Third Generation” venture out on a journey to discover Grandpa’s legacy, which gradually unfolds across thousands of kilometers between Germany, Poland and Israel.
ISBN 978-3-944603-38-4
412 pages, paperback, gatefold cover. Many illustrations included.
€ 14.95 plus shipping
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